CHRISTMAS FAIR – Saturday 27th November 12-3pm
We really need your help with the following:
- Raffle and Prize Tree donations To make our popular raffle a success, we are still in need of a star prize. Can you, friends or family, or maybe your place of work offer a cash prize or sponsor a star prize?A huge thank you to everyone who has made such generous donations so far.
- Father Christmas volunteers Ho Ho Ho! Can you spare an hour to help make some wishes come true in our Santa’s Grotto?
- Christmas Jumpers Have you outgrown last year’s jumpers or are they too cringeworthy to wear? We would love to have them to sell if they’re in good condition. Please drop off at the office.
- Stalls Get in touch if you would like a stall at the fair.
- Gazebos Do you have a gazebo? Please can we borrow it to use at the fair?
- Volunteers Stalls lists will soon be sent to class reps so let them know if you can help on the day. First come first served on choosing a stall to run! We will also need help setting up and clearing away.
DONATION DAYS- dates for your diary
Friday 12th November (new) Toys and Sweets (mufti in exchange for a donation)
Friday 19th November Bottles (full unopened bottles of alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks) (mufti in exchange for a donation)
Friday 26th November Cakes (No mufti day)
If you can offer any help, please contact us Thank you!
Coughlans’ Design a Festive Cake competition – Deadline Friday 12th Nov
Sponsored by the fabulous Coughlans Bakery, the winning designs (1 x early years/KS1 and 1 x KS2) will be made into cakes and revealed at the Christmas Fair.
Hard copies of the entry form were given out in school but if you need it, a copy you can download here. Entries should be submitted to your teacher.
Letters from Santa: deadline 19th November
Design a Festive Card update
If your child created a design in school, you will soon receive your order proof.
– Please check your child’s name is correct as this will be printed on all the items you order.
– Order directly with using your unique code. Deliveries will be to your home.
Order early before the Christmas rush starts!
If you have any queries, please contact WOODCOTE PTFA and not school (this is a PTFA led fundraiser) on