Raise money for the PTFA the easy way Just shop online!
It doesn’t cost you anything – just shop online using our partner retailers including: Amazon, John Lewis, M&S and over 2000 others. When you make purchases, they will donate money to your chosen cause. Click here to Register and start shopping!
- shop with over 2000 retailers like M&S, Amazon, Argos and more
- raise a free donation for us EVERY TIME you buy something
- completely free to use lots of money saving evouchers too!
Easyfundraising has a Find and Remind tool which can be downloaded from their website.
You can use Find & Remind to search for easyfundraising retailers and it will automatically provide a handy drop-down reminder every time you visit one of our partner sites to make sure that you never forget to claim a donation. As there are over 2000 easyfundraising retailers you might not be able to remember them all but Find and Remind will!
Click here to download the Find and Remind tool.