Class Reps keep on top of what is going on with the PTFA and help communicate this to their classes or year groups. They help organise the class / year group fair activities or stalls and co-ordinate volunteers. Class Reps feedback opinion and comments from their classes to the PTFA about events and how funds should be spent.

This role has proved a great success and is really important for the PTFA. It’s a fun role and a great way to help keep your class involved.

If you are interested in becoming a class rep (each class can have more than one), please email

Woodies – K Hue-Sang

Green – H Akbar

Blue – T Neill and M Karaica

Red – J Charman, B Gentry-Hobson and H Murray

Yellow – B Yoheswaran

1A – L Bang

1D – E Turner

1H – T Quinn

1S – E Stewart

2B – S Taghva, A Iqbal and R Bevan

2M – C Fidler, L Holman and N Mishra

2R – K Harvey and S Pillai

2W – K Bird

3B – D Grant and V Padmanabhan

3H – K Patel and A Iqbal

3J – J England, C Brown

3P – E Patel

4A – Z Evans

4C – S Krishnan & R Kanabar

4G – L Holman

4S – H Constantinou-Mantilas and M Rose

5C – S Calvo

5D – A Aslam & N Tallis

5H – C Campion and L Kelly

5T – H Saunders & K Dunn

6H – J England

6M – S Najam and C Parsons

6R – H Constantinou-Mantilas, K Patel, L Holden & A Carl

6T – L Carver and L Lammy